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Old 10-10-2005, 07:46 PM
pshabi pshabi is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 370
Default Re: I just talked to my Party contact

Bitch, I am Party Poker and I say free booze and grass for everyone!

How's that for bakeback?

I have just gotten off the phone with an affiliate manager at Party. He told me several times that rakeback is NOT endorsed by Party at this time. Any affiliate who is currently offering rakeback is doing so without Party’s consent and at his own risk.

While I can’t discuss the specifics of the conversation (at his request), Party seems to be creating an internal system that will act as an alternative to rakeback. He will be giving me more information on this in the next 2 days.

After hearing this, it is my recommendation that people wait a few days until this is cleared up before they decide to sign up for rakeback at Party. This is a chaotic time where people are scrambling to sign up again at Party. I think that it is in your best long-term interests to see how this situation develops before making your decision.

I'm sure someone is going to reply with 'I am endorsed by Party' or something along those lines. If this is the case, then it is most likely only an unofficial endorsement by another affiliate manager. And if that is true, then there are conflicting statements being made by the affiliate team and players should use extra caution at this time.


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