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Old 10-10-2005, 02:03 PM
glen glen is offline
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Default Re: My new acroymn: WAFG

"Main Entry: ac·ro·nym
Pronunciation: 'a-kr&-"nim
Function: noun
Etymology: acr- + -onym
: a word (as NATO, radar, or snafu) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; also : an abbreviation (as FBI) formed from initial letters : INITIALISM
- ac·ro·nym·ic /"a-kr&-'ni-mik/ adjective
- ac·ro·nym·i·cal·ly /-mi-k(&-)lE/ adverb"

That's interesting. I was taught by several different english teachers growing up that acronyms had to something you can pronounce as though it were a word - like N.O.W. for National Org. of women or S.A.D.D. That F.B.I. was in there is intersting. . . so, ok then - WAFG IS an acronym. .
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