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Old 10-10-2005, 01:46 PM
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Default Re: Is this Chip Spewing?

* grunch *

I find myself often doing the same thing so I will be very interested in the replies.

I suspect the pot is too small to warrant a prolonged steal attempt but if you have a read on the player that makes you think you can steal more than one fifth of the time on the flop, and that he likely won't raise, why not try? On the turn, in this case, you have a value bet (implied odds are 1:3 and one of your slightly less than 17 outs gives you around a 1:2 chance to improve)if you suspect he will will just call and nearly the odds if he raises and you call (2:4 or 1:2). You should check the river unless you have a read that leads you to believe this guy will fold a fifth of the time AND that he won't raise a bet. If he didn't fold to an Ace on the turn he probably won't fold to another Ace on the river.

As usual this newbie welcomes comments/ criticism on my logic or lack thereof.
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