Thread: AJ good enough?
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Old 10-10-2005, 08:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: AJ good enough?

I'd say that pushing here is better than pushing A-rag in LP. With an M of 4, you may get looked up by AT, and a lot of pockets. If your rag is too low in your LP push, those pockets may be an overpair to one of your cards, putting you at a distinct disadvantage. This way, at least the person doing the looking has to have JJ or better to put you in that bad of a condition. Also, if you're in EP, your situation is getting even more desperate, and the fact is that you could really use these blinds to get you through another set of blinds. Each time you go through them, you lose a lot of fold equity. If I'm the big stack in the BB (and probably in the SB too), I'm looking you up with any two if you have 3 bb or less, in an ante situation where I'm getting better pot odds, I look you up with anything (maybe barring 72, 83, etc, but 84 would probably be enough) as long as I'm getting 2:1.

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