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Old 10-09-2005, 11:32 PM
Swax Swax is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 21
Default Re: So I lost my virginity

There are so many things that are hilarious in this thread that I don't know where to start.

First off, the fact that you chose a poker forum in which to have this discussion is pretty hiliarious in itself.

I also like the way the girl's looks went from unmentioned to "she wasn't that hot" to "she was kind of fat" - what's next in the slippery slide? I'm just waiting for "well, she wasn't REALLY a she" - lol.

In all honesty - if it makes ya feel better I had quite a similar experience for my first time...I was a little younger, but other than that it was pretty much dead on. The girl wasn't unattractive, but I knew of her promiscuity, and I didn't use protection at all. It was bad in all possible ways. I had the same fears that you did, so yeah, I hit up the clinic to alleviate them.

Strangely enough, sex is the most overrated AND underappreciated thing in our society, if that makes sense. The first time is always kinda junky. As the "quality over quantity" thinking sets in, it always gets better. I'm sure part of your "dirty" feeling is just a masking of your dissappointment that it wasn't all that.

Oh, and FWIW, I didn't bust either my first time - I'm sure Monsiuer Olde English was partially to thank for that, but also that tangible weirdness can be an obstacle. don't worry man, it all gets better!
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