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Old 10-09-2005, 12:26 PM
soah soah is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 112
Default Re: 50NL players - Fix my AQo (full ring)

The best player that I used to play with at my B&M game almost never raised preflop. And he absolutely killed the game. If you can get your monsters paid off in unraised pots, then why bother building the pot preflop when your edge is smaller? Your actions should always be based upon the game conditions. If the game is a limp-fest, then take flops and use your superior hand-reading to make money postflop. In tighter games where raises get too much respect, then you can buy pots from LP.

But raising up front just sucks. Your goal is to win huge pots, and unless you are good at flopping sets, you're going to be winning small pots or being put to the test in big pots.
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