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Old 10-09-2005, 12:10 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Empire WILL respond

I think it's so funny that some of you would rather focus on the fact that I don't ever post here and call me a "troll." Fact of the matter is, I deal with a lot of the 2+2ers on almost an everyday basis.

The point that I am making is a pretty obvious one to begin with, regarless of whether or not you believe that I had a long conversation with an important person within EP. Everybody just assumes that EP is history. They are worth literally BILLIONS of dollars. They are going to respond and respond AGGRESIVELY. I honestly think that PP destroyed their business in the longrun by what they did yesterday. EP will not retain the same number of players, but I believe they will be a respectable network and PP will lose their position as #1 quickly.
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