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Old 10-09-2005, 11:22 AM
The Armchair The Armchair is offline
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Default Re: College Prank War: Ideas needed

The ideas in this thread, other than the frozen urine one (which goes a bit too far), are lackluster.

* The egg prank is funny but should really be a fish.
* The frozen banana prank should be on the list. Buy a dozen bananas. Peel them. Freeze them. Get into your nemeses' room and put the frozen bananas in their underwear draws, pillow cases, pants pockets, and anywhere else not often visible but accessed regularly. Oh, and stuff that goes into the laundry only. Don't put them in shoes.
* When they go into the shower, steal their towels. This one's biggest downfall is that the easiest way to retaliate is to repeat it.
* If they have a lot of sneakers, tie them all together in a strand and hang them out the window. You may want to connect some pairs of their underwear to the strand for extra length and hilarity. Bonus points if you can make two strands out of it and attach a sign. Recommended slogans are "I LOVE YOU JANET," "I AM REALY DRUNK" (one "L"), or "VISIT US IN <dorm room #>"."
* The paper cup trick is fine, but it is done best with fruit punch or red koolaid and a lot of salt. This makes it virtually undrinkable and gives your "friends" no easy way to empty the cups. You will provide them with one: A big box of tampons and instructions to soak the liquid up and carry the now-used tampons to the outside garbage. You may even want to put a garbage can filled with wire hangers outside of their dorm room for easy access.

That is all for now.
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