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Old 10-09-2005, 12:40 AM
Mason Malmuth Mason Malmuth is offline
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Default Re: My Take on the Magazine

Hi Everyone:

We're actually quite happy with the magazine. In fact, we feel that it is far superior to any other magazine out there and this includes both hard copy and Internet mags. We're also proud that we don't allow the fluff and require every author, no matter who it is, to produce something worthwhile.

Specifically, we're looking for good articles that will create discussion. They don't have to be something that Ed or I (or David or Ray) agree with, but the author needs to be able to defend his position in a logical and detailed manner.

A note on Barrron: One of the reason why I began to write articles on poker and other forms of gambling is that it was part of my learning process. I suspect that something along the same lines is happening with Barron. The difference is that because of the Internet and these forums, he is able to get a great deal of excellent feedback. Feedback for me (years ago) was a much smaller and slower process. So I'm a little jealous.

Best wishes,
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