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Old 10-08-2005, 09:05 PM
NewGuy NewGuy is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 2
Default Re: Relax people....


What does telling people who probably just lost 100s or 1,000s of dollars of month of income to calm down? Nothing.

[/ QUOTE ]


You are making assumptions that RB is going to end.

[/ QUOTE ]

Main Entry: prob·a·bly
Pronunciation: 'prä-b&-blE, 'prä(b)-blE
Function: adverb
: insofar as seems reasonably true, factual, or to be expected : without much doubt <is probably happy> <it will probably rain>

[/ QUOTE ]

We will probably be seeing some very crappy TAG games on our rakeback-enabled sites.

We will probably have several pollyannas saying "this isn't that big a deal, the games are still good, keep playing"

These pollyannas will probably be affiliates trying to prevent the bleeding, siince they stand to lose mountains of monthly cash flow when their high-volume players stop playing on their Party skins.

As a long-time lurker on this forum, I'd like to say this: I like Joe Tall (having met him in person 2 years ago), and I highly value his contributions to the various 2+2 forums. I will say this though- I will be reading between the lines of any spin that affiliates put on this development carefully and it will affect who gets my future RB business.
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