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Old 10-08-2005, 03:25 PM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: A Partial Solution to the Hand For Hand / Stalling Issue

yup. stalling isn't JUST about the issues involved in hand-for-hand.
it also has to do with waiting for the next limit to begin.
To that end, it can actually be correct in some satellites to stall even when you're hand-for-hand or are even down to just 1 table (I have actually done this).

It is also correct that some players will continue to stall when it makes no sense for them to do so.
And some players even stall when it is completely incorrect for them to do so (example: if on the button and they hurried-up then they could afford to pay the blinds on the next two hands...but by stalling they have just created situation where they are now going to be busted).

to that end, the stalling doesn't bother me THAT much.
Because I feel that I implement the strategy decently...whereas MANY players actually hurt themselves.

I've also been in Stars tournaments where one of the players is disconnecting frequently when it's down to 1 or 2 tables and they are always given another 240 seconds to re-connect.
This is frustrating and annoying and in one instance I wrote to Stars about it (and they were very polite in explaining why they did it....but that didn't stop the fact that the guy who got knocked-off 10x in an hour REALLY slowed down our play).

I think the best solution would be to stop giving each player SO much time on each hand.
Give them a longer clock...but only 5 or 10 seconds befote that clock starts.

As it stands now (on stars)...
I believe you get a warning after 15 seconds...
and then the clock starts after another 15 seconds.

After a certain point in the tourney I don't think each player should get a full 30 seconds before the clock starts.
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