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Old 10-08-2005, 09:31 AM
Double Down Double Down is offline
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Default Re: Feeling lost with a full house

This is 2k buyin so blinds are 10/20, yes? So pot on flop is 50, he makes a pot sized bet. Would he do this with a flopped set of aces or sixes? Doubtful. If so and he turns a huge boat, does he bet 100 into a 160 pot? Probably not, because if you called the flop with a straight or flush draw he wouldn't want to chase you out on the turn. By you calling the turn, he now has you on an ace but not a big enough kicker to raise with at any point, probably A7-AJ. 8 comes on the river, he makes about a pot sized bet.

I really think he has 97 and the 8 made his straight. When you reraise, I think he puts you on A8, making top 2 pair on the river. After all, anything else and you would have raised by now, right? And A8 is exactly in the range he has you in. So he is confident that his straight is good, after all, he hid the fact that he has been betting out with a draw this whole time. Is it out of line for him to have 97 hearts, betting with flush and inside straight draw the whole time? It's too good of a catch for him to not try to get paid off. And because your hand was played so strangely, (as most people have responded here, they would've raised either the flop or the turn) he doesn't put you on A5. I really don't think that he has AA or 66. The only hand I'm worried about is 88, but the $100 turn bet makes this unlikely. Plus I think his 97 makes the same play here on the river. He has you pegged at A8.

Another reason to take him off AA and 66 is that if you can justify him betting out with both of these on the flop, then it's also entirely possible that he's betting out with a 5, and when the other 5 hits on the turn, he is confidently betting because he knows you probably don't have him on it. On the river, his rereraise all in could very well be 56 or 58 (less likely) and he would still be making the same move as with the hands that beat you, especially since you probably don't have pocket aces, sixes, or eights. I'll bet if you called, you would've either seen 97 or 56. In fact, the pot sized bet on the flop could have very well been his flopped 2 pair of 65, protecting it from draws and getting value from an ace. Does this make sense?
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