Thread: MTT IQ Test
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Old 10-07-2005, 10:32 PM
JonLines JonLines is offline
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Default Re: MTT IQ Test

Thanks for the ideas guys... though I think I am going to have to go into a few more details.

I need a test that is quick to administer, I am going to need quantifiable results, and thus sadly, that poker wizard who doesn’t know what implied odds are may fail the test. As long as the test is a good indicator of the general poker playing population that’s all that is important. As I am going to be going for as large a sample as I can get, it’s just not practical to sit down and analyse each person’s individual game. I need something like a 20 questions test that can generally separate playing abilities.

I am going to be using what is known as an eye scanner, which basically records where people are looking when they perform a task. I then show them some set scenarios of poker tournaments and they are to tell me what they would do in each situation, the point of the test isn’t their answer, but where they look on the screen to derive their answer.

The 20 question test that is done prior to the eye tracker experiment needs to show who is a good player, and who is a bad player, and hopefully, the eye tracker will show similarities between each group as to which information they take from the screen.

So back to the original problem, can anyone suggest some questions I should use in order to devise this 20 question 'IQ' test? (i use the term IQ loosly, just helps define the sort of thing im looking for). Any help would be really appreciated.



(p.s. I am off to bed now because its 3.30am, but I will respond to any replies in the morning)
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