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Old 10-07-2005, 09:26 PM
DVaut1 DVaut1 is offline
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Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Posts: 27
Default Re: Guns > abortion clinics



Replace 'clinics' with 'doctors' and I think it may become clearer.

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So why didn't you just say that in the first place?

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Was it not the first response I made? It was what I said in the first place.

And even that doesn't address the central point Wacki is trying to raise or discuss.

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His central point might be even more meaningless than the bumper sticker; abortion clinics are worse than guns? No kidding.

I'm sorry to say it, but so far this thread seems to be another example of how your primary purpose in posting often appears to be more the process of argument for argument's sake, rather than sincere discussion of issues.

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Earth to MMMMMM: This forum is one big argument. No genuine discussion takes place here. Sorry, I hate to say it. But this place is full of morons. Count me as one of those morons. Count yourself as one of them, too. But there's no important discussion taking place here. Sorry.

As someone once described it (quite correctly), it's 20 people having a never-ending flame war.

Again, what to discuss here if not the bumper sticker? It was central to his OP; if you look at the other responses in this thread, most other posters noticed the silliness of the cliche, too.

I'm not saying every thread should be diversion-free,

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How nice of you to allow such diversions.

but why do you feel the need to harp so much on such angles, instead of addressing the main point or points raised?

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Uh, okay. Well, abortion clinics are worse than guns, yes. Also, the sky is blue.

Everybody has a chance to make their small impact on this forum for better or for worse--just as in real life. Why not try to make the places you go a little better for your having visited?

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Everyone is free to post in whatever manner they want. I post in whatever way most pleases me. Some have fun this way, other's have fun pretending their Islamic scholars and beating the drums of Islamo-phobia. Frankly, I think a great majority of your posts regarding Islam do nothing but flame the fans of hatred and they're are chalked full of nonsense; certainly their 'contribution' does nothing expect further my belief that you're of a simple mind, and don't constitute 'discourse' except for the dim-witted - so why don't you consider making a small impact on this forum towards the more intellectual, and post less inane, poorly-thought out nonsense. Consider it, anyway.


Or, how about we end all asinine lecturing about subjective assessments over how posts contribute to the community, and we just live and let live, and end all moral posturing over how posters behave here. Consider it, anyway. And I mean it this time.

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