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Old 10-07-2005, 06:57 PM
Sooga Sooga is offline
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Location: Van Nuys, CA
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Default Should I keep the money?

As some of you know, I teach high school. I switched schools this summer, to one about 60 miles away. However, one of my students I had at my old school (I'll call him Adam), tracked me down, and e-mailed me to ask me if I could write a recommendation letter for him, as he is a senior now. He is a player on the varsity basketball team, and said he had a lot of schools interested in him. I said I'd be more than happy to fill one out for him, so he mailed me the recommendation letter to fill out, and said that his mom would be sending me some postage-paid envelopes to the different colleges, and all I would have to do is make copies of the recommendation letter, and mail them off.

So a few days after that, I get the recommendation letter to fill out. A few days after that, I get an envelope from Adam's mother, and inside are the postage-paid envelopes to various universities, but there is also something else - a clear envelope with a $20 bill inside, telling me that this is for my time and for copying. Now, I can just make copies on the school copy machine, so it doesn't cost me anything, and as for my time? Well, I'll just say if I weren't making the copies and stuffing them into envelopes, I'd probably just be wasting time picking my nose, or doing something similarly unproductive.

I don't feel right keeping this money, but I don't have an address for Adam or his mother to send it back. What should I do?
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