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Old 10-07-2005, 06:52 PM
DVaut1 DVaut1 is offline
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Location: Ann Arbor, MI
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Default Re: Guns > abortion clinics

Voltron is correct. The clinic is just a building or a suite of offices. The doctors do whatever killing that goes on.

OTOH, what abortion clinic was ever openned without the intention of facilitating killing?

Plenty of guns have been made that were not ever intended to be used to kill people.

So Wacki has a definite point.

[/ QUOTE ]

The bumper sticker is rather silly, IMO. The whole point of the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" cliche is to convey the notion that it's not our instruments/tools which kill people, but people who kill people.

Similarly, abortion 'clinics' don't kill people, but people kill people. I fail to see Wacki's point, unless he chages his axion to "GUNS REALLY ARE BETTER THAN ABORTION DOCTORS" rather than "GUNS REALLY ARE BETTER THAN ABORTION CLINICS"

So if I were pro-life, I don't particularly hold the building very responsible for the deaths which occur inside of it.
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