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Old 10-07-2005, 05:38 PM
Mr. Curious Mr. Curious is offline
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Posts: 251
Default When did you start multi-tabling?

I tried it right off the bat. It seemed like such an easy way to see a ton of hands and I thought that it would lessen the boredom when I am not getting cards to play.

Turns out I was wrong.

I've been trying to figure out why I play so much better live and I think the reason is that I focus on the one game that I am in and am able to understand and play better against those involved. The couple of times I have played only a single table online, I have done MUCH better.

For those that just jumped right into multi-tabling and seem to be struggling with winning, maybe like me, you approached online play with good intentions, but started off on the wrong foot.

Start with a single table, when you can consistently beat it, then consider a second one. There is no rush to "kill" the games and move up, the long term will always be there for a winning player.
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