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Old 10-07-2005, 02:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: my downward spiral

Lots of us have a point where everything looks bleak. You definitely have the tools to get out of it, though.

If you don't have much cash and a lot of time on your hands, you might want to pick up one of Anthony Robbins' books - "Awaken the Giant Within" or "Unlimited Power." They're all about motivation, and how you have total control over your own life. If you can, see a psychiatrist, at least for one visit.

People here will tell you to try and make money at poker: they should be horse-whipped. You're not in mental or financial shape for that right now.

I've had ultra-crappy jobs just so I could eat. They weren't fun, but they were temporary. Today I can look back at them and laugh.

Your lack of confidence is probably showing in your job search as well. If 200 companies have turned you down, it either means you have to go to company #201, or that you need to change something and return to company #1. Apply for a job with the city or a nearby college - they're usually not great, but they'll have benefits. Supermarkets are often unionized, so those jobs might not be as bad either.

I wish you luck.
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