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Old 10-07-2005, 12:52 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Suggesting that someone is gay???


Why would someone want to keep apart two people that love each other?

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Who has proposed this? Give me the name of the prominent person in politics who has suggested that we "keep apart two people that love each other." Not allowing people to obtain a marriage license is not keeping them apart.

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Ah, your reply is too smart by half. Either that or you're deceptively trying to subtely shift the argument. Did anyone mention prominent people in politics? I was talking about homophobes in general. Surely you're not suggesting that there aren't people that think homosexuality is wrong and would rather two gay people not be together, in marriage or not in marriage. Surely you're not suggesting that. That would be lunacy. Oh, and while I don't have any quotes on hand, I'd bet my life for ten dollars from you that there are prominent political figures that are completely against anything homosexual. OH YEAH I JUST REMEMBERED ONE. Alan Keyes. His daughter is a lesbian. He disowned her and kicked her out of the house. She was forced to live with a friend, penniless. I did this without even having to go to the internet to research it. I'm sure if I did I could come up with more. Thank you and goodnight.
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