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Old 10-07-2005, 11:00 AM
Matty Matty is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 14
Default Re: Suggesting that someone is gay???

What are they so sensitive about?

[/ QUOTE ]Yes how could they possibly have an emotional reaction to something you've never experienced?

I'm a fourth Arab, although you can't tell and I didn't even know until I was 18. The day we invaded Iraq I was watching it at the bar at a restaurant I used to work at. My coworkers were talking about how we should just nuke all the sand-niggers, blah blah blah. I mentioned I was part Arab, and they started in on me; asking where my towel was for my head, etc.

Trust me, if you haven't experienced discrimination (and I know it gets a helluva lot worse than what I experienced) you have no idea how powerless and despaired it can make you feel. I sure didn't have any clue even though I thought I did. It's not like getting picked on in High school for riding the bus when you're 17. You have a small element of control there. Being gay or Arab is just thrust upon you without your consent. Maybe that's why it's so different; I don't know. But what I do know is that it's entirely 100% worse.
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