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Old 10-07-2005, 10:19 AM
AnyAce AnyAce is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Schenectady, NY
Posts: 85
Default Re: Key PT stats for Omaha/8

I only play PLO8 $100. I look at VPIP, net win/loss and postflop agg factor in determining how I am going to play a hand.

I know that the range of VPIP for PLO8 is wider than for limit as Wintermute suggested, but I look for players with VPIP about 40 or higher. I know that there are winning players with VPIPs this high, but they are less common than fish with VPIP this high.

In my PT database I have 1,000 hands or more with 71 players.

VPIP < 40 = 40 winners, 19 losers (68% winners)
VPIP >= 40 = 6 winners, 6 losers (50% winners)

I realize 1,000 hands is a small sample but I think lends a little evidence to my argument.

Also, many of the people with VPIP >40 don't even make it to 1,000 hands before busting out. The "Look, I have a backdoor straight draw and a backdoor low draw, sure I'll call all my chips on the flop" crowd never lasts.

Hope this helps.
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