Thread: A Question on M
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Old 10-06-2005, 10:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A Question on M

Thanks for your help in your posts, I think they've helped me out. I just think I need more tournament experience. What did you mean by never letting that happen to you (the NO FE). Because in the online tournaments I play it seems like after levels 1 2 and 3 whcih lasts i'd say 45 minutes at most your almost forced into that position. What do you do to avoid these situations??? Becuase I find myself in them quite often or at least playing in the low yellow zones. And I don't know if the reason I keep getting into these situations is because I'm not taking enough risks in general basically folding myself into an orange zone OR is this typical for my tournament structure. For example: starting chips are 1500, blinds go up every 12 minutes with the levels of 10 20, 15 30, 25 50, 50 100, 150 300?
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