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Old 10-06-2005, 08:37 PM
tonypaladino tonypaladino is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest thing you\'ve ever heard?

I'm at a Middle Eastern restaurant with some friends and some hick couple I really don't know too well. The girl is ordering some sort of Moroccan fajita thing, and asks if it comes with cheese. The waiter says, "No, the food here is both Halal and Kosher, and we do not have dairy products" She looks a little confused, but says ok. After he is gone, I try to explain about the Kosher no meat/dairy, but she had trouble even grasping the fact that certain relegions even had dietary restrictions. Finally she got to the point where she understood that there was no dairy in the restaurant. When the waiter brought the food, she then asked, "Do you guys have any sour cream?"
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