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Old 10-06-2005, 08:14 PM
JihadOnTheRiver JihadOnTheRiver is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest thing you\'ve ever heard?

I think I have that beat in terms of 18 yr. old ignorant bitches. Same scenario, a good friend of mine was dating a local broad while I lived in Mississippi. She was a skank, and a true moron. She epitomized MS. She said a lot of dumb things in her career, but the absolute capstone is this little gem (said almost completely at random, with no real racial content leading up to it):

"You know why black peoples hands and feet are lighter than the rest of their body?"

(Imagine the stares of 6-7 buzzed/drunk, college educated kids from everywhere but the South, including her boyfriend, staring directly at her mouth waiting to see what kind of Southern Pearl Of Wisdom is gonna spout out)...

"Because their skin rubs off. No no, its true. I used to work with one of them at a fast food place, and sometimes, when I touched her arm, some of her color would rub off on me."

This is a true story. Some people in the South are actually this ignorant. She spent the next month trying to validate her point. My friend has since moved on...


PS. I seriously doubt anybody has ever been present for a statement this stupid/dumb/ignorant. We'll see.
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