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Old 10-06-2005, 05:33 PM
theRealMacoy theRealMacoy is offline
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Default Re: Great New Mouse for Poker

okay okay

so i have learned how to use this thing a lot better and i confident enough to use it while multitabling.

i would now recommend the device without reservation, particularly to those experiencing wrist issues.

i am reasonably ambidextrous thus use it with both left and right hands about 50% of the time i am playing (and my mouse the rest). i has meant i don't need to use autohotkey scripts to releive wrist fatigue (i was getting too many misclicks due to a table popping into activation just as i pressed a button).

it works very nicely once you get used to the track ball. if you increase the mouse speed to maximum (which i did to minimize the necessary trackball movement) it means you have to be very very precise (which i think is what took some getting used to).

pokerstars is the best site i play as far as using the devise goes because the buttons are bigger although i still use it on all the sites as well.

my only conplaint is that approx 10% of the time the pointer seems not to move smoothly over buttons but kind of "sticks" on the edge and i have to kind of coerce it onto the button. i don't know if this is when my computer is lagging or what but it certainly diminishes the overall utility when this happens.

the Real Macoy
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