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Old 10-06-2005, 04:18 PM
PoBoy321 PoBoy321 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 396
Default Re: Pregnant Women Smoking

While this is probably going to turn into another argument that belongs in politics, I certainly think it's absurd to try to prosecute a woman for child abuse who smokes while she's pregnant. Granted, it's clearly detrimental to the health of the baby, but lots of things are and we can't go around policing everyone.

Just as part of full disclosure, my mom smoked while she was pregnant with me, although not heavily and she quit during the first trimester. I also know that she smoked for at least part of my brother's pregnancy, although how often, or if she stopped when she found out that she was pregnant with him, I don't know. She quit smoking completely before she had my sister and none of us have ever had any type of health or developmental problems.
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