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Old 10-06-2005, 02:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Argueing with the floor about time collection

I'm well aware of your employment. When I said "you're a player" it was not directed at you in particular, rather the "you" referes to the whining/bitching player in this example. My point stands -- as a player, worry about playing the game, not about how badly management is f-cking things up. Given your position you are obviously biased on this issue. I think you're also looking at things from the wrong perspective. The issue here is not whether the house did or did not make a mistake -- the issue is whether or not it's the duty of the player to hold up the game and bitch about something that has no effect on him whatsoever.

Oh, and your use of my newbie status as an attempt to berate me or challenge my credibility is laughable and quite juvenile. What, do I have to get 1000 posts under my belt before I can hang with the big boys? Ha ha ha ...
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