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Old 10-06-2005, 05:31 AM
chisness chisness is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Buffalo Grove, IL
Posts: 309
Default so what\'s a doable amount of sngs in a year? (long but input aprectd)

my background: been playing for a few years now, but started seriously playing sngs this summer and have logged about 3500 so far. i have 4 monitors and am comfortable 12 tabling (and feel that i play only slightly worse than 8 tabling, making it an easy choice).

i want to set a goal for myself for 2006 (weekly and monthly goals don't work well because of potential breaks, vacations, family things, etc.). i want it to be a challenge that will take a lot of work but is doable and is not a constant burden (i want to be able to take a few days off each week without thinking that i should be playing instead and i don't want to be thinking i should be playing every time i have a bit of free time). i want to enjoy the year but also convert some of the free time into money that i can put away and make good use of in the future.

so far i've done almost only $30s, but plan on starting $50s after i finish about 2000 more, so 2006 and beyond will be only $50s. 12 tabling i figure i can do about 17 an hour. for 3/4 of the year, i'm an engineering college student, which means depending on the week, i can probably put in 10-20 hours max. over the summer, i'll be working full time, but will have every day free, which will give me lots of potential (but burnout is of course an issue).

initially i was thinking 20,000 tourneys (about 22 hours a week assuming i play every week (vacations, finals, etc. will make this a bit higher)). now i'm thinking 16,000, which is about 18 hours a week -- seems like a definite challenge, but doable playing about 4 days a week instead of at least 5.

is 20,000 purely insane? is 16,000 possible? am i gonna want to kill myself by the time i'm done with 5,000? should i do 12,000 instead (maybe too easy)? should i start with a goal of 16,000 then reduce it depending on how it goes?
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