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Old 10-06-2005, 01:06 AM
chesspain chesspain is offline
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Default Re: ??????

I was giving him the chance to play for his trip for free against me with my own money.

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Since you hounded him relentlessly by e-mail after you tracked him down, it is apparent that he wasn't playing for free. In other words, you simply fronted some money to a degenerate gambler--and then became incredulous when he lied about his plans to pay you back--even though you originally paid for his weekend because you knew he was broke.

Last I recall, to be "friends" with someone takes a concerted effort by BOTH parties.

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True...friends don't play heads-up poker with their broke, degenerate gambling friends for money their friends obviously don't have--and then harass their friends daily for the money owed to them.

I guess I should've written "We were friends, he's no longer my friend, but is now calling me for help." Does that make you feel better?

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I always feel better when people tell the truth.

My whole point of the story was to show what CAN happen (although EXTREMELY rare) if you drop out of college and decide to go pro.

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There may have been some point to your story, but this wasn't one of them.

Here's the latest update: The next time we can see him (my ex-roomate and I who were his "closest friends" throughout college) is on Sunday. I don't know of ONE other person in this WORLD who would go see him or talk to him. Not even his parents.

We're not going to post his bail, but hopefully we can talk to him...maybe get through to him. We will see.

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I'm sure that getting lectured by you will lead him to have some life changing epiphany as he is walking back to his buds on the cellblock.
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