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Old 10-05-2005, 06:37 PM
Zetack Zetack is offline
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Default Re: I don\'t have an in-depth understanding of Odds

I've been lurking here for awhile...

Anyway, I guess I don't have a great mind for math so I tend to play based on general concepts. I have a difficult time figuring pot odds and knowing whether I should call certain bets post flop if I am chasing a draw of some sort.
I tend to play more based on generalities, such as, there are four people in the pot and I am on a flush draw, the betting is relatively low, I will chase. Or, there is only one other guy and he made a big raise, I'll lay it down with only 1 card to come and 4 outs. However, again, I dont necessarily do the math and could be missing opportunities and making mistakes.

But I dont (or cant) seem to accurately figure out the pot odds and so forth.

How big of a problem is not knowing odds and probabilities for a poker player?

[/ QUOTE ]

Geez, I suck at math, I tend screw up addition with a calculator. And the math still isn't a bear for Poker.

Just memorize the most common situations. You need to know 4 outs (gutshot straight draw), 5 outs (Low pair, drawing to two pair or trips), 8 outs (open ended straight draw or double gutter straight draw) and nine outs (flush draw).

You could also learn 12 outs (flush draw with a gutshot draw as well) or 15 outs (flush draw and open ended straight draw) but in limit you'll rarely be folding those so its not that critical. Plus 8 anbd 9 are close enough you could just go with one or the other.

Anything under four outs you need a really massive pot odds to call.

So bascially just learn 3 pot odds and that'll do. Its helpful to know some more, but just add them in later as you find yourself running into some other ones fairly frequently.

Not being willing to learn 3 pot odds is just plain lazy.
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