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Old 10-05-2005, 04:20 PM
beekeeper beekeeper is offline
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Default Re: ??????


Unctuous: Having the quality or characteristics of oil or ointment; slippery.

And I don't get the 'sour grapes' tie-in. Why would I be sour because he pats his own back the entire post while ridiculing his 'friend' at the same time?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll try not to be so flip this time. I think you were too hard on the poster. I think you didn't put his comments into context with regard to his intent. He was addressing his comments to all the recent posts about "wondering whether to go pro." I agree with you that it was not good for him to give his friend's name, but otherwise, I think you can read everything else he said as directed towards others considering going pro, and in that sense it is thougthful.

You do know the definition of "unctuous," but I would argue that you don't know how to use it appropriately. "Unctuous" refers to a manner of presentation, not to content (think of a salesman); it's not appropriate usage to characterize what someone says, but how he says it.

By "sour grapes" I was trying to imply that maybe you were one of the people who wanted to go pro and didn't like the truth of what the poster had to say.

In retrospect, I wish I hadn't been personal in my remarks, but you were so aggressively personal against the poster, that I ripped off a petty reply. Two wrongs don't make a right, so sorry for my personal attack.
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