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Old 10-05-2005, 04:16 PM
PokerAce PokerAce is offline
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Posts: 385
Default PokerAce Hud - Version 0.32 Release - Full Tilt Support

(crosspost from Software, please make posts there)

I'm pleased to announce the release of PokerAce Hud version 0.32.

Download Version 0.32 here:

PokerAce Hud is a companion application for the PokerTracker online poker hand history tracking application. PA Hud reads the statistics from PokerTracker and places them directly on the poker client window as you play.

What's New in Version 0.32:

# New: Full Tilt Poker support
# New: Configurable invalid stat text (defaults to "N/A")
# New: Combined stat for a clean, minimal look
# Changed: Layout Manager (new stat format, heads up tables, import/export)
# Changed: Renamed "Continuation Raise/Fold/Call" stats for clarity
# Changed: Can now buffer stats with spaces in formatting
# Changed: Player Ranges trigger refreshes when player count at table changes
# Fixed: Prima hands not importing when max hands to store is reached
# Fixed: UltimateBet 6 max seating problem
# Fixed: UltimateBet not recognizing the active player for certain people
# Fixed: Self stats clicking area for certain Party seats
# Fixed: Windows 98 preferences crash (confirmed)

Full Tilt Support
You can now use PokerAce Hud with Full Tilt Poker.

Combined Stats
For those of you who prefer the clean, minimal look of GameTime+. This stat allows you to place multiple values in one stat area ("26/8/1.5/128"). There is a premade layout available on the PokerAce Software website.

Layout Manager
The file format the layouts are stored in has been changed. You do not need to do any conversions yourself, as PA Hud will handle that when you run it for the first time. You can import and export layouts now. The exported layout files have a .PAH extension.

There have also been usability improvements to the layout manager. You can now exclude seats in the duplicate seat process. You can duplicate entire layouts, even 10 max to 6 max and vice versa.

There is a tutorial up on the PokerAce Software website that gives detailed instructions on how to configure and use PokerAce Hud. If you are having an issue, please read through the tutorial. Chances are, your issue is addressed in there and you'll likely get things resolved faster than trying to contact me to help you.

If you've experienced problems in the past, please download this version to see if your problem has been fixed, even if it's not mentioned in the list above. Sometimes I fix bugs and forget to mark them on the list. Let me know if your problem still exists in this version. I'm doing my best to get all the bugs squashed as soon as I can.

If you have any questions or comments, please post them here or on the PokerAce Software forums. I'll be happy to help and listen to your input.

Please join the mailing list on the PokerAce Software website to be notified of new releases by email.
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