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Old 10-05-2005, 02:07 PM
Sifmole Sifmole is offline
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Default Why can\'t they give good chopsticks?

When you go to most restaurants ( not fast food joints ), say french or italian, you get normal silverware. They don't give you plastic forks, knives and spoons. The quality of course can vary, but you get normal silverware. So why is it that every friggin' chinese restaurant always gives those crappy, break 'em apart, splintery, garbage wooden chopsticks?

They will give you real silverware, but if you want chopsticks -- here are some crappy ones. Why? I mean "real" silverware equivalents exist of chopsticks -- enamel, bone, etc. Why even when you are paying $15 or more a plate, sitting at their table can you not get a decent set of "real" chopsticks?
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