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Old 10-05-2005, 01:14 PM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Default Re: Foregone

Sorry Cyrus,
I don't mean to argue here, but we have a hard enough time providing education to our own children. How are we going to educate children on the other side of the world immersed in a culture where their religious leaders tell them to kill Americans so they can go to paradise and spend eternity with 72 virgins?

I did read the whole article and the part about understanding our enemy. My retort is that we are a couple of thousand years ahead of them in our cultural thinking. The best we could hope for is to find hole in their ideaology to use their own rhetoric against them. Chances are it would be ignored. Ideaologically speaking, I don't believe there is any way to win them over.

A propaganda campaign inside countries who supply us with oil, and are closed off to us, and who censor and control the flow of information inside their own borders would be incredibly difficult, to say the least.

This leaves nuclear weapons.

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