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Old 10-05-2005, 12:42 AM
RJT RJT is offline
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Posts: 111
Default Re: Struggling with Moral Issues in Poker from a Christian Standpoint

Until this forum’s name is either changed to add Religion to the Science, Math, Philosophy or the word Philosophy is dropped from it, I think it inappropriate to discuss (here) subjective issues such as yours. I’ll leave the hypocrisy to the atheists.

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I'm not too clear on why you think my topic is any less appropriate than any of the other religion-based questions in this forum. I consider faith a part of life's philosophy, a set of guidelines and decisions by which
people make decisions to live their lives. Just because I set forth my faith as a given doesn't make my argument irrelevant. Many philosophers including Descartes, Hume, discussed God and their beliefs in God. Could you clarify this point for me?

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I do indeed think it appropriate actually. But the politically correct folk who run the forum deemed (or forgot) to add religion to the title. Until they do, I decide not to give subjective opinions here. Philosophy is deemed intellectually honest here. When in reality it is merely a set of moral guidelines at best. Well, its use as exercise in logic is a good thing too.

Until the forum gives the status of religion that philosophy has or deletes the philosophy word from the forum’s title, I take a pass on giving subjective opinions.

Perhaps, I will give you a subjective opinion, maybe later or tomorrow. I am really only being self-righteous about some of the hypocrisy on the forum. It gets exasperating at times.
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