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Old 10-04-2005, 04:40 PM
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Default Question for those who believe in the Biblical God

This is not a flame or meant to be flippant.

Serious question in seek of a serious answer. Please, if your answer is based just on "faith", I will not accept it as a legitimate answer. "I don't know" is an acceptable answer.

If a God created the universe, why would he want you to serve or worship him? Why wouldn't he want you to enjoy your life without living for his glory (which is already self-evident if he exists)? And why would he want you to be with him for eternity (if you "choose" to believe in him using faith) or not want you to be with him (if you use your faculties and decide that faith is not warranted)?

P.S. I promise not to even respond to your replies, so this won't turn into a flame war on my end. I just want to gain insight into how you rationalize these questions.
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