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Old 10-04-2005, 02:36 PM
SPhilly SPhilly is offline
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Default Scientific arrogance

Let me begin by saying that I have a science degree and work in a profession that is very science oriented. I love this forum since it always seems to have intelligent and rational discussion about interesting topics (it may be scattered about but its usually there). My concern is with the people who claim to believe that science can explain everything.
Do you not realize that accepting every scientific theory as fact requires the same type of faith you criticize many of the religious posters for?

My biggest complaint is the recent treatment of ID. Most people dramatically mischaracterize this movement as a religious movement, which it is not. Granted many religious fanatic groups have adopted it as a way to get creationalism into schools but this is not the intent of the movement. What is wrong with having doubt about scientific theories? I thought this is what science was all about. Otherwise we would we still believe in spontaneous generation and the earth as the center of the universe (many “intelligent” people adamantly resisted change in these theories not all that long ago).
Every so often the “geniuses” and intellectually “Elite” among us proclaim that everything is known already and there is nothing of significance to learn. I feel this is happening today. I came from the teaching that the scientific view should be about knowledge, not preconceived notions or theories. Why are so many people that claim to be science oriented the most closed-minded??

If in the end ID causes more people to reexamine all aspect of evolution then is not something gained here? What might result is a stronger more elegant theory of evolution that can plug some of the current gaps. What is everyone afraid of? Imagine that, those that have the most faith in scientific theories seem the most frightened of any competition. Seems eerily similar to the bible thumpers that believe the world is only thousands of years old because The Book says so. They shy away from challenges too.
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