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Old 10-04-2005, 02:15 PM
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Default Re: I don\'t have an in-depth understanding of Odds

Yeah this is what I figured. It sucks to hear what you already know but were hoping to avoid.
One thing though (last attempt at dodging the inevitable) is that Sklansky even says in "Getting the Best of It", and I quote: "Its sad but true that most of the world class poker players are not thoroughly knowledgable regarding poker odds (though their intuitive estimates come pretty close anyway). Conversely, many lesser players know the odds exactly. They can still be weaker than the intuitive players because knowing the right odds is not that important!...First, it rarely happens that the odds the pot offers are near the break even point...he is only likely to make a mistake those rare times when he is faced with a close decision...moreover, making the correct decision is no big deal when its close."

Now, I am staking my hopes on this. And its the reason I play less limit hold em and more NL where I can try to make the big decisions count more and hopefully offset my marginal decisions/mistakes...

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