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Old 10-04-2005, 01:19 PM
locutus2002 locutus2002 is offline
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Default Re: If you thought you hated my LAST $55 hand post...

In general I don't mind completing and keeping the pot small, but I think its a mistake not to raise this villain BTF with AQ, especially when the caller probably has a marginal hand too.

The way you played the hand, I don't like the river bet. After villain checks the flop and calls the turn, he's either trapping you or he needs a card. The river card could have very easily helped villain. Hero has not given much information out about the strength of his hand and should expect to get to a showdown cheap if he checks it.

When you value bet the river I think KQ call you, but KJ and QT raise you. I think an ace you beat is unlikely and a J will fold. If you check the river I think all these hands and more will bet.
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