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Old 10-04-2005, 01:02 PM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Default Re: Understanding Sharia

Please keep in mind that I am not being subtle here on purpose. It simplifies things greatly. Better minds than mine could probably formulate subtle and effective ways to accomplish what it is I am talking about. Using scaples instead of broadswords, figuratively speaking.

I feel compelled to point out that the capacity of the US government to conduct "black ops" has been greatly reduced, mainly thanks to eight years of the Clinton Administrations policy of "spies? we don't need no stinking spies."

Special ops and a policy of assassination would probably be very effective. Kill the terror cells in their infantcy. Of course, it would be impossible to ensure 100% bad guys only would be killed, so we must be morally clear that innocents will die and accept the blackness of that on our conscious. As a society I doubt we have the capacity for such an undertaking.

Unfortunately, I fear that means many, many more of us will die before we do. Terror will only get worse. 9/11 has already become the benchmark. I doubt that open war or covert war makes any difference.

As for a Moslem equivalant of a kind Vatican counsel...I think it is coming, but the participation of clerics form extreme Sharia practicing sects is highly unlikely. It will probably be constituted of religious leaders already living in the west, which would give the eastern sects reason to discount it.

The key to domestic energy production is the political victory of the nation's interest over the special interests of enviroactivists in this country. The backlash is brewing. On energy and many, many other things. I look forward to 2008.

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