Thread: Yes?
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Old 10-04-2005, 10:18 AM
QTip QTip is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 31
Default Re: Yes?

ok....the advice is becoming overwhelming here, so I'm listening intently and thinking because I still like the play.

So...let me throw my thoughts out here and then perhaps I can get my thinking corrected from there...

ok...I'm assuming about everyone here makes this play from the button. I certainly would unless the blinds were ridiculously loose, in which case I limp.

Now...given that fact, let's compare the situations.

On the button, you have position, which of course, is a very imporant factor. However, is it really more important than already knowing that everyone has folded and co is probably weak.

I've understood these situations to not be so much about your cards here as initiative and what you can represent.
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