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Old 10-04-2005, 03:30 AM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default Beyond the logorrhea

I cannot understand why you get suddenly "interested" when someone from says what I've been saying here for years. Here are the relevant parts:

If we want to understand and combat radical Islam, we must understand Sharia, especially the radicals’ version.

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Yet, when you hear that from someone who's anti-war, the cry goes out for "conservatives who want to fight and liberals who (smirk) want to ..understand".

American policymakers still show remarkably little interest in the jihadis’ ideology and sometimes seem content to regard it as mere fanatic reaction to U.S. policies, especially in the Middle East. It is as if, in the cold war, we were content simply to fight against communism without bothering to learn anything of Marxism[-Leninism].

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Say it, brother.


...And now we come to a paragraph that touches on a point which has been made here repeatedly but has been met by silence every time. It's a mighty serious point. It's as serious as two airplanes slamming into a pair of tall bulidings.

Thirty years ago, only Saudi Arabia had these types of laws, but they have spread in the past quarter century, either pushed by entrenched regimes, such as the Saudis, by rulers who came to power in coups or revolutions, such as in Sudan and Iran, by creeping legislative change, such as in Pakistan and Indonesia, by state-level governments, such as in Nigeria and Malaysia. They are continuing to spread in Africa and Asia.

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The point is this : In almost every country mentioned above, and others as well, the United States has promoted anti-Left coups and massacres which were "successful" in that the "threat from communism" was drowned in blood, literally. What this did was to eliminate from the political arena almost the entire Left opposition. To the vacuum that was thus created rushed in and filled it the Religious Fundamentalists, the Muslim extremists.

After a quarter century of such "success", the chickens are coming home to roost.

In our war on radical Islam we are succeeding at a military level, but on the level of ideas and laws we are losing.

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Say it, brother, say it.

(Though not many are listening.)
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