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Old 10-04-2005, 12:39 AM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Default Re: Understanding Sharia

Well, Nuts, you do have some valid points. Deprivation of oil would strangle our economy, taking over oil producing countries would result in WWIII, and spawn coalitions who should worry us, namely India and China. We may already be fighting WWIII and are simply unaware of it at this point.

Of course, control of just 10% of the worlds oil fields would give us all the crude oil we needed to bend every other economy in the world over the barrel (pun intended) by manipulating the prices and controling who we sold cheap oil to. This would pretty much neutralize the developed world, IMO and force them to play ball on our side.

Killing the radicals - the problems which you present - are real and probably reasons why we are not openly, at this time, pursuing that end.

My campaign of extermination would be simple, invade Muslim countries one by one and install democratic, secular, regimes. This is the policy of the Bush Administration and it does undermine the Islamofascists ideaology by putting them at direct odds with the societies they are trying to control. The biggest mistake Bush made, however, was invading Iraq instead of Iran. Iraq already had a basically secular regime, although it was controlled by a dictator who came from an ethnic minority. I would take it a step further, however. I would, upon invading a country target all the radical clerics with extreme prejudice and seek to kill them. If I captured them or they surrendered (not likely) I would ensure some process for their speedy execution was in place. I would allow other religious leaders to step forward from the community but quickly assassinate them if they started preaching the same tired Islamofascist babble.

If there were entire populations of radicals in place, I would round them up and kill them systematically. I would put a campaign in place to detain every reporter who came into the area until this process was complete, thereby preventing the flow of information out of the area.

Eventually, the radicals would be replaced by more moderate, spoken tolerant, Imams. Once the movement is neutralized in one country and a democratic state with a free market is established, move to the next state, where the Islamist movement is the strongest. Execute all their radical Imams and so on.

Supplement this with an energy policy domestically which sought to reduce the use of oil in the transportation sector, and therefore it's value (drying up a source of funding for radical Islam) and you have a recipe for winning. Unfortunately the Bush Administration is not pursuing the domestic side of the energy policy and this will only get us more terror with a different evil genius as the figurehead.

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