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Old 09-28-2003, 04:08 AM
GuyOnTilt GuyOnTilt is offline
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Default Re: Chaos theory + Seat selection

Seat changes WILL affect how the cards fall. The same way the dealer washing the cards for an extra .5 seconds will, or if a player transposes the order of the two cards (in HE) he's dealt before mucking. But even though these things affect how the deck ends up, they don't matter, because they aren't predictable.

All probabilities still remain the same, since the deck is still in random order. If people are superstitious (in which case they shouldn't be reading the probability forum) then go ahead and change your seat for no reason other than to mix up the cards.

I'm assuming that your argument was concerning people changing seats when they're running bad. A seat change won't fix that. You're still being dealt a random hand out of a 52 card deck. Barring your dealer isn't a mechanic, nothing you do will change that.
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