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Old 10-03-2005, 08:41 PM
bravos1 bravos1 is offline
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Default Re: Your showering/getting ready routine

Twas thinking about this type of thing while in the OCD thread of last week. I was more specifically thinking that I shower exactly the same way every time.

1. Turn on shower to preheat
2. Get in shower (piss on floor)
3. Wash hair, rinse, and apply conditioner
4. Put soap on washcloth
5. Wash left arm and pit
6. Wash chest
7. Wash right arm and pit
8. Wash stomach
9. Wash nads and unit
10. Wash left leg and foot
11. Wash right leg and foot
12. wash back of neck
13. wash back
14. wash ass
15. Rinse washcloth and wringout, hang..
16. Change wash clothes and wash my face
17. Rinse out conditioner
18. Dryoff in shower before exiting

Order is always the same... anyone else?
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