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Old 10-03-2005, 03:25 PM
Paragon Paragon is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Maryland
Posts: 42
Default Re: ($55) 3 way, steep blinds, weird spot

Well anyway, I guess I hinted at it already, but I decided to push. It was a snap decision, and I posted this to see if I might be convinced otherwise... After thinking about it more I still agree with my initial choice, despite some counter intuitive feeling to it.

My process was basically just

1) I think the button is limping any two
2) QT is great vs random hand allin pf, especially with these odds
3) Why let the BB join the fun by limping?
4) Impossible to isolate without committing myself...
5) Push

I think BB will fold a lot of marginally strong hands. The main fear is of course that BB calls with monster, button actually folds, I go out in 3rd. Considering how unlikely (although significant) that may be, I still vote push.
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