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Old 10-03-2005, 02:39 PM
Crispy Crispy is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 120
Default Re: Final Table...what\'s your move?

I would re-raise 40,000. It is the best move for 4 reasons.

1) If the raiser has a strong hand he will reraise and you will fold saving you further money on a draw you probably won't catch.
2) You may slow him down giving you a free card on the turn.
3) If you hit your flush your hand will be more disquised giving you a better chance of breaking your opponent.
4) He may fold if on a complete bluff.

The only argument for calling is it is cheaper to try and hit your flush draw but that is offset by the fact that you are less likely to get paid off if you do.

[/ QUOTE ]

I actually really don't like this play. Miniraise? He of course isn't going to fold, and he might even have Top pair mid kicker, but if he hits two pair or some other mirale card ur not looking so hot. Push and try to push him off any hand he might have.
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