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Old 10-03-2005, 01:46 PM
Dotson Dotson is offline
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Default Re: Bush picks two Executive Branch defenders to the Supreme Court

This pick boggles the mind because it puts republicans in horrible spot. Never being a judge Miers had no paper trail and since she has always been a lawyer she can just say that she was representing her clients to almost any question she is asked. Some judiciary republicans were not as pleased with Roberts as they talked re: brownback and Coburn. These guys want someone they know will overturn Roe and gave Roberts a pass because he was extremely well qualified, telegenic, and they figured the next nominee's paper trail would assure them he was in the mold of Thomas & Scalia. I just don't understand why Bush would pick Miers. It's a hard case to make that she is the best candidate in the nation for supreme court. Can the republicans all of a sudden encourage the nominee to answer questions they told Roberts not too? Will they try to filibuster? Will they vote no? It will be fun to watch it play out. The democrats need to say good things about Miers and nothing else. Let the news story be social conservatives are upset. I have always thought that Bush wasn't a social conservative and was just playing up that card to get them to vote for him. I guess he figures he doesn't have to run again so he'll do whatever he wants. This could be a good time for the republican party to distance themselves from Bush and position themselves better for the 06 races.
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