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Old 10-03-2005, 01:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Default An Introduction and a question

I have been beating 25$ and lower for 6 months on Doyle's room now. My play is and always has been intuitive, If I had to rely on my math skills I would prolly fry!
I have skimmed through a couple dozen poker books which helped me not lose $ as I was beginning, but I still had to learn alot of lessons the hard way. SNG poker at first was like trying to read a book with my face a half inch from the page, I couldn't understand the big picture, I had no Idea how long the long run is for you guys that play 1000s of these while multi tabling.
I was always just single tabling my ass off at these low limits which probably made for a great ROI (I didn't keep records) but it wasn't optimal for $/hr, and every Bad beat and swing hurt and was very discouraging.
For me failure isn't an option I just got out of the Air force and I am going to make this my living. Last month I cashed out 900 from doyles room, which along with a $500 monthly retirement check I will have my very inexpensive bills covered untill I improve my game.
I have been lurking 2+2 for a couple of days now and I have decided to become involved. Reading posts about ROI bubble play and other things I'd already thought about but never had a word do describe has been encouraging and eye opening.
Raptor is my fav. poster as I've yet to see him use a # in a post -holla

I am here to stay as a 2+2er. I'm gonna to be the guy with 5000 posts and stories of a 70 buy in downswing at the 109s
(I have never had that kind of $ in my life)
Lame tired intro aside. I am gonna get right into a question.

I have heard that alot of guys 8+ tabling pretty much pass on anything less than AA KK AK and maybe QQ in levels 1-3
Well, first off I am not yet comfortable doing any more than 4 tables. So I was wondering If this high preflop standard is considered optimal early? or is it because you have so many tables running at once you dont have the time to get involved in other speculative hands. If you were playing 25$< buy ins what are your starting requirements early and how do you play them preflop? Also am I an idiot for playing on Doyle's room? I have heard it is a tight site.
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