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Old 10-03-2005, 12:55 PM
bozlax bozlax is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 365
Default Re: Official Micro-Limit October Goals

Glad you liked it.

Just to clarify, when I use the term "college" I mean, "twenty-something (usually), going out to bars 2-3 nights a week, not at home cuddling over bad HBO movies and ordering Chinese take-out for dinner". I know women that are pushing 40 that still fall into the "college girl" category, same with guys.

Sub-categories are just like poker: loose-passive and loose-aggressive. Sounds to me like you've got one of each, and just like at the table you need to figure out how to get the LP trapped between yourself and the this case, literally. Watch out if Goth shows up at your house carrying something that looks like a piccolo case, or introduces you to her friend with the Batman fixation.
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